15 Ways To Enhance Your Intuitive Powers To Grow Your Business

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00:00​ - Do you believe in intuition? 

Do you believe in gut feelings and making decisions from a point that is beyond your thought process?

In this video, I'm going to share with you 15 different ways on how you can enhance your intuitive powers to make the right decisions to grow your business online.

Many people have great ideas, but the ones who can understand how to tap into those ideas and execute those ideas are the ones who get good results.

04:07​ - Meditate. 

If you look at the word yoga, right? The actual meaning is to connect the mind with the higher force people have different belief systems.

05:45​ - The second thing is you can tap into your body compass.

Each one of us has our body signals. Your body gives you signals on whether that thing is going to help you or not.

07:04​ - Break Patterns -

Break the patterns of your routine life that you may have and see if you can slow down life. 

Sometimes you forget about why you're doing what you are doing. So take a break. 

09:03​ - Connect With Nature - 

Nature has powerful healing properties. All of us have the potential to get ideas, but we need to be open and, we need to be ready to receive in what are we informed the ideas come.

10:46​ - Learn From The Past 

You can learn from the past, past experiences, past patterns.

When I look back at the things that they would have done, I could see a pattern of all those decisions leading to something positive or something negative. And that also gives me a very different view of how I should lead my life.

11:42​ - Feel More And Think Less -

When you operate with logic and love, you're able to make decisions, which are very useful and beneficial for everyone.

Sometimes you know this is the right thing to do logically. But then inside you don't feel good about this, and that's what I mean. You gotta trust that instinct that comes in.

12:44​ - Engage In Music And Arts -

Music and art help you tap into your, your intuitiveness more than anything else. It is a combination of left brain and right brain left is your, your logical brain. And right. The brain is your creative brain and music and art. It has both creativity and structure.

14:31​ - Release Your Resistances -

Just be open-minded. And don't judge anyone.

True influence happens when you don't look at anyone greater than you, or lesser than you.

15:37​ - Breathe Deeper

It aligns people to come back into a more calm and equilibrium state to receive.

16:23​ - Pay Attention To Your Dreams - 

Some of these biggest inventors have got their ideas inside their dreams. You may or may not believe in this, but if you're aware, and if you do your study on this, you'll understand that it is all about that awareness.

17:46​ - Start Journaling - 

When you journal more, you'll be able to analyze your thought patterns. Focusing on your thoughts into the area in which you want to go, you will start to see things that are in alignment with that goal. 

Opportunities are everywhere. And once you're very clear about your vision and your goal, you will start to receive.

20:24​ - Ideas In The Shower

The sound of water, it puts you in a state where you're in a state of calm and relaxation, and that's when the ideas come in.

21:04​ - Ask A Question. Receive Answer 

When you're in a calm state when you do your meditation ask a question and you'll receive an answer. It may or may not be the perfect answer, but the thing is you need to be ready to receive it.

21:53​ - Envision Conversation With Mentors - 

If you have someone who is at a very high elevated position of thought process, in terms of their frequency, just have a roleplaying conversation with them.

22:42​ - Prepare Your Subconscious - 

After you wake up and just before you sleep, those are the two points where your subconscious is highly deceptive. Like you can put whatever into the subconscious, the subconscious absorbs it.So these are the 15 things that you can do to enhance your intuitiveness.

Depending on your intention you will start to get ideas from a different plane, which will help you execute that on a more conscious level.

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