7 Little Things That Will Make A Big Impact On Your Income
Improving your income can start with some very simple changes.
1. Join peer groups
Hang out with people that are near your level, a little ahead of you, and people that are way ahead of you. Being able to lean on other people's experience goes a long way.
2. Find the right coaches
If the Kobe Bryants and the Michael Jordans of the world have coaches, then you can definitely benefit from coaching too. But you need to have a really good idea of what you need.
3. Understand relationship capital
Build connections for yourself, and connect other people to help them. Being a connector goes a long way.
4. Create a content habit
Create content to learn about the things you're teaching; it'll help you articulate your thoughts more clearly too.
Content helps people discover you, and that leads to more relationships.
5. Have very specific goals
Constantly remind yourself of what you're striving for. Put post-its where you brush your teeth | near your monitor | on your fridge, etc.
6. Write down your top 3 goals for the day
To achieve your larger goals, you have to achieve the smaller ones first. If you're getting 3 important (meaningful?) things done per day, you're well on your way to achieving what you want to.
7. Create a health habit
Get good sleep. Eat well. Exercise. You won't perform as well as you can at work if you're not healthy. It's not a waste of time to do those things, it's an investment into better performance.
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Connect with Eric Siu:
Growth Everywhere Podcast - http://www.growtheverywhere.com/
Marketing School Podcast - https://www.singlegrain.com/marketing/
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