A lot of us may also worry about information leaking during shipping. Don’t worry. Besides normal packing, IDPAPA uses hidden packaging and traceless delivery to ensure customers’ privacy security. From IDPAPA’s website, you can check how the product is packed discreetly. You can also ask IDPAPA to send you some photo proofs of their packaging before shipping. Only Three suppliers can provide privacy packing from our list since it would cost extra fees, so not all suppliers would offer this service. IDPAPA is willing to take more steps in helping customers who have privacy concerns. IDPAPA is the only company that owns its self-check and self-order system, which makes your shopping safe and efficient. You can complete your order within one site easily and check your order’s status anytime using this system. A returning customer can keep track of an order on IDPAPA’s website. All you need is your phone number and the password you set for this website. Also, IDPAPA is one of the two...
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