
Showing posts from March, 2021

A Guide to Divorce for Portland Business Owners

Image Oregon is an equitable distribution state: Portland courts distribute assets based on what is fair, but not necessarily what is equal. Dividing business interests between the spouses rarely makes sense.  Call today to speak with a Portland divorce lawyer at Gearing Rackner & McGrath Gearing Rackner & McGrath 121 SW Morrison St #750 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 222-9116

Mother & Son Duo Achieve 11.5 Lacs In 30 Days!!!

Join over 10000+ people who are building a successful knowledge business -​ This will be one of the most inspiring interviews you would ever watch. The story of how a son stepped in to help his mom grow in her Tarot business. Let's congratulate Aditya and Sonia Sharma!

Top 20 Facebook LIVE Ideas For Business [2020]

Image Do you want more ideas to go LIVE on Facebook? Here are 20 killer ideas to help you generate more sales and sell more products!

62-Year Old Suresh Achieves 400,000 In 30 Days Helping Businesses Grow

62-Year Old Suresh Achieves 400,000 In 30 Days & Proves That Age Is No Barrier. Learn the formula = ​ Let's congratulate Suresh Mansharamani for achieving this amazing milestone during the lockdown. He's 62 years "young" and truly an inspiration to many business owners. By implementing the Freedom Business Model, he was able to achieve ₹400,000 in 30 days. To learn more about Suresh, go to​ #freedombusinessmodel​ #halloffame​ #siddharthrajsekarstudents

Arvind Quits TCS And Achieves ₹10.2 Lacs In 6 Months

Learn more about the system Arvind used to quit his corporate job and now living a lifestyle of Freedom -​ Arvind is a father of 2 girls based in Chennai. He used to work for TCS. After a 15 year stint in the corporate world, he decided to take control of his own life. After coming into my FREEDOM Business Model system, he was able to go from the scratch to achieving over Rs.10.2 lacs as a digital stock marketing coach. Website -​ Webinar -​ If you found this interview inspiring, please share your comments below.

Why You Must Build A One Man Media Company Right Now

Can you really afford to NOT be an influencer in today's digital world? In this episode, Eric shares some of the insane advantages you can have by creating your "one man" media brand, and how to leverage an audience to achieve your wildest goals. ► Want us to help you build a six-figure career of your dreams? Go here: ►Subscribe to our premium podcast (with tons of goodies!):​ ►Get marketing training and join our exclusive marketing Slack group:​ ►Start and grow your own agency: ►Follow Eric on Instagram:​ Want to learn the SEO tactics that AirBnB, Lyft, and Heineken use to drive millions of site visits a month? Download the case study now:

7 Little Things That Will Make A Big Impact On Your Income

Improving your income can start with some very simple changes. 1. Join peer groups Hang out with people that are near your level, a little ahead of you, and people that are way ahead of you. Being able to lean on other people's experience goes a long way. 2. Find the right coaches If the Kobe Bryants and the Michael Jordans of the world have coaches, then you can definitely benefit from coaching too. But you need to have a really good idea of what you need. 3. Understand relationship capital Build connections for yourself, and connect other people to help them. Being a connector goes a long way. 4. Create a content habit Create content to learn about the things you're teaching; it'll help you articulate your thoughts more clearly too. Content helps people discover you, and that leads to more relationships. 5. Have very specific goals Constantly remind yourself of what you're striving for. Put post-its where you brush your teeth | near your monitor | on your fridge, e...

How To Crack The Code On Finding Your Niche

Image One of the biggest challenges people have in a knowledge business is in finding their niche. In this video, I give you the idea on how to crack this code.

Top 20 Ideas For Live Streaming On Facebook & YouTube

Image Did you know that LIVE STREAMING will give you more organic reach than any other type of content?  In this video, I will share with you TOP 20 IDEAS if you want to stream LIVE on Facebook or YouTube. I will also share with you the difference between "lean-forward" and "lean-backward" content. Watch this video till the end to learn how to use these ideas to increase your sales and conversions.

15 Ways To Enhance Your Intuitive Powers To Grow Your Business

Join over 7000+ people who are building a successful knowledge business -​ 00:00​ - Do you believe in intuition?  Do you believe in gut feelings and making decisions from a point that is beyond your thought process? In this video, I'm going to share with you 15 different ways on how you can enhance your intuitive powers to make the right decisions to grow your business online. Many people have great ideas, but the ones who can understand how to tap into those ideas and execute those ideas are the ones who get good results. 04:07​ - Meditate.  If you look at the word yoga, right? The actual meaning is to connect the mind with the higher force people have different belief systems. 05:45​ - The second thing is you can tap into your body compass. Each one of us has our body signals. Your body gives you signals on whether that thing is going to help you or not. 07:04​ - Break Patterns - Break the patterns of your routine life that you may have and see if ...

How To Utilise Your Time Really Well To Grow Your Online Business

Do you want to manage your time better while growing your online business? Watch this -​ In this video, I break down the 3 elements of productivity. - Non-productive - Productive - Super Productive I drill down in the elements which keep us stuck in life. I also give you ideas on how you can remove "anchors" which keep you stuck. Ultimately, it comes down to the power of your mind.

Ghenadie Speaks Fluent Russian

 Western and Eastern Cross Logistics Expert Ghenadie PALAMARCUIC is a 40-years-old expert and entrepreneur specialized in East and West Europe logistics and online retail business development. Ghenadie enjoys an extensive network and support in Romania, Germany, Russia, the UK Poland, and France.  Ghenadie PALAMARCUIC can help Asian Companies build and grow their logistics and business in Europe. Ghenadie Speaks Fluent Russian, English, Romanian, Italian, German and French. Ghenadie PALAMARCUIC est un expert et entrepreneur de 40 ans spécialisé dans la logistique et le développement des affaires commerciales en Europe de l’Est et de l’Ouest. Ghenadie bénéficie d’un vaste réseau et d’un soutien en Roumanie, en Allemagne, en Russie, au Royaume-Uni, en Pologne et en France. Ghenadie PALAMARCUIC peut aider les entreprises asiatiques à développer et à développer leur logistique et leurs activités en Europe. Ghenadie parle couramment russe, anglais, roumain, italien, allemand et fra...

27 Psychological Triggers To Make People Buy From You

Join over 7000+ people who are building a successful knowledge business -​ Sales is a science, the sales is a system, sales is psychology and ideas are I am going to share in this video can change the game for you and if you're somebody who's struggling to generate sales then in this video is for you. Last 24 Months I have done over 10cr selling through webinars, selling through videos and funnels, and this video I am going to share with you 27 different ways to inspire people to give you money. and I want you to use these ideas ethically. So, use this information with a high level of integrity and honesty. #freedmbusinessmodel​ #internetlifestylehub​ #siddharthrajsekar​ #salespsychology​ #knowledgebusiness​ #digitakcoaching

Personal Branding Expert Diya Achieves ₹540,000 in 60 Days

Join over 7000+ people who are building a successful knowledge business -​ Congrats to Diya Asrani for achieving this milestone in 60 days!  We met at the Game Changers Festival a few months ago and the combination of the Freedom Business Model and the coaching from @Puja Kapoor Gupta helped Diya find her niche and scale-up rapidly! To know more about Diya's programs go to​ #freedombusinessmodel​ #internetlifestylehub​ #halloffame​ #successstories​ #siddharthrajsekar

Amol Achieves 650,000 In 5 Months After Struggling For Years

 Learn the formula which helped Amol -​ It's amazing to see how Amol was able to narrow down on his micro-niche and then systemize his coaching after going through the "Freedom Business Model" system. This is the story of personal transformation. To know more about Amol go to, ​. #halloffame​ #freedombusinessmodel​ #freedomsetupchallenge

How To Build A Multi-Million Dollar Affiliate Marketing Business

This is a detailed interview with Vick Strizheus, one of the leading authorities in the affiliate marketing world. 1. Get Vick's free training - ​ 2. Start the Four Percent Challenge -​ Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to this channel and follow all future updates. Follow on Facebook:​ Follow on Instagram:​ Follow on LinkedIn: Follow on Twitter:​ #vickstrizheus​ #affiliatemarketing​ #fourpercent​

Is The Coaching & Consulting Industry Getting Saturated?

Image Do you want to know if the training, coaching and consulting industry is getting saturated? In this video, I open my heart and mind on all the things which need to change in this industry. While this industry is growing and many gurus are milking it, it's also important to look at this entire industry with the right lens. The topics covered in this video are: 1. Top 3 Myths 2. Top 3 Problems 3. Ideal Scenario 4. The Ultimate Formula 5. Your Next Step

How To Build A Digital Coaching Business

 Curious to know how to create a FREEDOM Business Model for yourself?  Learn to build a super-profitable business without any office or employees -​ Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to this channel and follow all future updates. Follow on Facebook: ​ Follow on Instagram:​ Follow on LinkedIn: Follow on Twitter:​

Detailed Review Of The Law Of Success by Napoleon Hill

Learn to build a super-profitable business without any office or employees -​ The Law Of Success is one of the classics in personal development. Napoleon Hill had direct access to some of the richest men in the world and has put forth all his learnings into these LAWS. READ FULL POST: To get a copy of this MINDMAP: Go to​ and type "LOS" - the law of success - law of success napoleon hill - the science of getting rich - law of success by napoleon hill - the law of success napoleon hill - law of success by napoleon hill pdf - the law of success napoleon hill pdf - law of success summary - law of success summary pdf - the law of success review - napoleon hill 16 laws of success - the law of success - napoleon hill's golden rules - think and grow rich abridged vs unabridged Learn to build a super-profitable business without any office or employees - ​ Make ...

Bhupinder Singh - Testimonial For Siddharth Rajsekar

 Learn to build a super-profitable business without any office or employees -​ Make sure you SUBSCRIBE to this channel and follow all future updates. Follow on Facebook: ​ Follow on Instagram:​ Follow on Twitter:​ #freedombusinessmodel​ #internetlifestyle​ #testimonials